Sports Premium

The government is spending over £450 million on improving physical education (PE) and sport in primary schools over the 3 academic years. The funding is jointly provided by the Department for Education, Department for Health and Department for Culture and Media and Sport. The money goes directly to Primary Headteachers, with each school receiving £16000 plus an extra £10 per child from Yr1-6.  We have a wide range of high quality PE and sports equipment which is replenished annually. Our children enjoy participating in many different sporting events. 

The PE and Sport Premium money that we receive allows us to continue all of the brilliant things we do and enables us to further develop and explore new ideas. Below are our current aims for PE and School Sport and some examples of how the funding will be/has been spent.

  • Ensure the children have access to high quality resources and equipment  
  • Continue to develop staff expertise and confidence 
  • Improve our swimming offer/provision (eg smaller groups of children swimming at any one time with more swimming teachers)
  • Use coaches to provide specialist learning opportunities and support staff development
  • Continue to provide a wide- range of free after school and extra-curricular sports clubs, led by our own staff and friends of the school (eg providing opportunities for staff to attend training to deliver clubs)
  • Provide opportunities for all of our children to attend sporting festivals, tournaments and experiences beyond the classroom (eg transport costs, entry costs)
  • Provide opportunities for our less active children to participate in clubs, festivals and tournaments. (eg transport costs, specialist equipment)
  • To provide EYFS/KS1 children with more opportunities to develop physical skills and lead increasingly healthy, active lifestyles.

At Membury we are committed to providing high quality PE teaching for all our children. PE is vital to the health and wellbeing of future generations. We recognise that the skills developed in PE are transferable to all curricular areas and for future life.

Key aims for our children:

  • Engagement for all – To ensure all children have a positive experience of PE and sport, to foster a lifelong participation within active healthy lifestyle.
  • Physical Skills – To develop physical literacy skills to enable children to access a variety of activities to gain fine and gross motor skills/spatial awareness and at KS1 and 2 sports specific skills.
  • Personal/Social Skills – Children should develop increasing levels of independence, resilience, personal achievement, teamwork, sharing, turn taking, sportsmanship, reflection, collaboration and cognitive skills.
  • Health Awareness – Children should increasingly be able to recognise how they are feeling and what they should do for the benefit of their health, for example have drink, add or remove clothing, weather, increase physical activity etc.
  • Fitness –to ensure raised heart rate through sustained levels of activity leading to increased stamina. Gaining increased understanding of how their body responds to exercise.
  • Creative Development – Provide varied opportunities to explore and experience creative dimensions, such as movement, expression and tactics, within the PE curriculum.
  • Other roles and leadership– Providing opportunities for students to experience a variety of roles and responsibilities beyond the performer role, such as an official, coach, reporter, photographer. Valuing each role with respect.
  • Competition Pathway – To recognise that competition can be in the form of time, distance, yourself, one other, a team or more and provide scope for each of these. In particular in upper KS2 through intra, inter, county, regional and national competition.
  • Extra-curricular – School should provide opportunities for children to access a variety of physical experiences. In addition schools signpost children to clubs and other external opportunities.

The school uses a wide range of data and information to measure the impact of the PE and Sport Premium spending. This includes:

  • Improved PE provision – progression and continuity of skills
  • Teachers feedback from courses/training to be cascaded to others to share best practice
  • Pupil voice – questionnaires, school council feedback
  • A well-designed and evaluated PE curriculum with appropriate resources in place to enable effective teaching.
  • Success at competitions and organised events
  • The use of Primary Sports Education to measure our attendance at different sports events, organised locally


Page Downloads Date  
Sports Premium 2024 19th Jul 2024 Download
Membury primary premium evidencing the impact tool 2024 25 30th Jan 2025 Download